JQCalendar Connector Revision History

  • 08/31/20154.541NOTE: This version (or later) is required if using Alpha Anywhere version 4. Fixed a bug that left an orphaned html "-->" tag in calendars main DIV.
  • 08/28/20154.54  Fixed issue with jQuery and latest Alpha Anywhere pre-release.
  • 05/02/20154.539Changes for IIS beta.
  • 12/26/20144.538Change to UX template for Alpha Anywhere V3.1. Change to remove action script Xbasic from Xbasic functions declaration area to prevent error. Note that prior to V3 of Alpha Anywhere, Alpha put them there. Now with them there there is an error.
  • 11/08/20144.537Minor update to Xbasic function and datafeed page to use context.request instead of request.
  • 10/18/20144.536Update to UX templates for Alpha Anywhere V3 date control change from text to Javascript date object.
  • 06/16/20144.535Resource/groupname was not being passed into UX during inserts if popup edits were turned off.
  • 03/01/20144.534Fixed minor bug in error trapping code for DBF tables.
  • 09/07/20134.533Fixed bug that was causing ical export to fail with reverse proxies and SSL connections. Added code to UDC install function to build the time zone list at install and save it to a text file to shorten the time it takes to open the builder on slower machines.
  • 09/02/20134.532Bug fix where some events in month view did not show under certain conditions.
  • 05/18/20124.531Minor change to component's onsave event to trap an error if a web project's properties file has not been created. Added smart fields to builder's properties grid for connection string and table picker.
  • 03/16/2013V4.53Added Time Zone Support. Added Oracle support. Added iCal export. Added ability to use Xbasic functions to define several properties. Added version check for AEX file and JS and CSS folders. Created universal UX/Dialog component to use for either date-time or date and time columns. Added ability to use explicit connection strings. Added check for jQuery and will load if not found. Added support for images in the resource view's header.  Added abiility to load custom CSS for calendar. Added two new CSS files. Fixed groupid not populating dialog when using new event button. Fixed gropuid filtering with date and time columns.
  • 12/12/2012V4.511Minor bug fix to install routines to trap for users who haven't created a web project yet and for those who install Alpha Five under a specicific user account instead of for all users. Also fixed some code that was commented out in the dialog examples that should not have been that was casuing the delete button to not work.
  • 11/24/2012V4.51Fix bug that prevented loading events when using separate date and time columns with SQL tables and a group list. Changed timeFormat() javascript function in the separate date and time add/edit dialog example to better handle multiple time formats from the server.
  • 10/26/2012V4.50New views: Schedule/Resource view and Next x Number of Days view. Fix for iOs6  Safari's POST caching bug. Option to set postiton of pop up edit windows (not in demo version).
  • 10/11/2012V4.02Fix for using DIV option in tabbed_ui and when embedded in a dialog. Added update function. Updated documentation. Fixed bug in A5 V10 template that was preventing the jQuery library loading.
  • 09/08/2012V4.01Bug fix for recurring events with separate date and time columns Added sample dialog for use with separate date and time columns.
  • 08/27/2012V4.00New features: Recurring events for A5 V11 users using SQL back-ends. jqcal_udc_install() function to unzip and install the UDC files on initial install. jqcal_recurring_event() function to handle inserts and updated of recurring events. jqcal_recurring_rules() function to formulate and add recurring rules to events. New dialog2 component "jqcal_recurring" with code and controls for recurring event creation. User defined component now checks for and installs aex file and support folders to current web project and automtically adds the appropriate aex file to the web project's properties. Support for separate date and time fields in the calendar table. SQL and DBF supported. Table mapping support for V10.5 users. Choice of A5 Message Box or DIV for display of edits page. Pop up info now has a Choice of NONE, A5 Message Box, jQuery Dialog, or user defined page. User defined page has a choice of opening in either an A5 Message Box or a DIV. DragRecurring option added to support recurring events. Tool tip titles now include description on all calendar views. Description variable added to language files. Option to toggle adding in description, in addition the event subject, to day/week/work-week view main container.  Option to add scroll bars to description in day/week/work-week view main container. All javascript code checked with JSLINT and tested with "use strict" option. Minified Javascript and CSS files for faster loading. More robust error trapping in Xbasic functions and javascript functions. Ajax callback error reporting through a jQuery pop up dialog. New jQuery pop up error dialog with more friendly, easier to diagnose error messages. Updated install routine to automatically find and/or create the live preview folder and copy in the files needed. Also installs User Defined Component files for A5 V11+ users. Bug Fixes: Changed "title" javascript code to add line breaks for FireFox browser. Fixed bug with showing of events with create dates before current calendar date range and/or end date after the current date range not displaying. Slight changes to calendar.css to fix font sizing problem with Firefox and Iframes.
  • 05/30/2012V3.51Fixed bug introduced in V3.50 that broke the abilitly to toggle the show/hide of the buttons on the calendar.
  • 05/06/2012V3.50Added property sheet for use with A5 V11 User Defined Component installations. Added Calendar Table mapping for User Defined Component. Added new options for: Language, TimeFormat, PopUpWindowPage, PopUpWindowPageHeight, PopUpWindowPageWidth, and ReadOnlyCalendars.
  • 03/25/2012V3.01Bug fix for user defined filters introduced with DBF support
  • 03/17/2012V3.00Added DBF and postgreSQL table support. Added show/hide options for Day, Week, WorkWeek and NewEvent buttons. Added default target folder to local web publishing profile. Added demo Dialog2 component to easily demonstrate all the options. Added index.a5w page with demo components. Moved table, connection, and sequence to post operation instead of using session variables. Moved code off of a5w page into function. Added check for POST before executing functions.
  • 01/24/2012V2.11Changed CSS to fix wrap issue with times in day and week views. Add CSS and change to jquery.calendar.js file to add shading for non day cells in month view.
  • 01/21/2012V2.10Changed CSS to deal with sizing issue between IE and Firefox and Chrome when run in a tabbed_ui. Fixed delete button in dialog component. Minor tweaks to jquery.calendar.js file.
  • 01/16/2012V2.01Added more info to pop up bubble.
  • 01/14/2012V2.00Made day and week view intervals configurable on the properties page, via arguments, in 5, 10, 15, or 30 minute intervals. All times on the calendar are now in 12 hour time format! One click times are now configured in the argument properties. Added ability to choose whether or not to use the pop up bubble for both new and existing events. Added ability for developer to set the dates on the calendar to non-US date formats by a simple edit to one of the js files. Fixed a couple of cosmetic items.
  • 01/07/2012V1.04Added StartHour and EndHour options. Added work week view. Improved installation. Added ability for developer to set the default time spacing on day and week views from to 5, 10, or 15 minute increments. Developer can also set the default one click interval to suit their needs.
  • 01/02/2012V1.03Added SlotHeight options, changed time slot view to 12 hour format.
  • 12/28/2011V1.02Changed demo to fix bug that was causing the aex file to be overwritten
  • 12/24/2011V1.01Added Calendar Title option, added Tabbed_ui sample. Fixed IE8 bug with jQuery version.
  • 12/16/2011V1.00Initial release.

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